Thursday, January 28, 2010

A few words about vanity...

I made a comment the other day about our new uniforms at work and how I was unhappy with the color but it did bring out the blue in my eyes. With a wink and a smile I was told "you're so vain." While I was a little surprised and wondered about the intention of the comment and how it was completely uncalled for, it did give me pause to think about the difference between self confidence and being vain. It also reminded me that my father used to do that to me to "knock me down to size" when he thought I was too full of myself. My self confidence withered as a child when it would have been appropriate to have been nurtured. I can remember a time in the not way distant past that this would have had the same effect on me and I would have withered at the words of another.
It has been a process to unwind the old tapes that have played in my head and live fully in the new ones that are singing there now. When I think about the word vain, it has mostly negative connotations. Narcissistic, self centered, self absorbed, snooty. Merriam-Webster defines it as having or showing undue or excessive pride in one's appearance or actions. I have blue eyes. Fact. The blue color of the uniform makes my eyes appear more blue. Fact. Is stating a fact about myself a demonstration of conceit? I don't think so. I believe women especially are taught not to brag, not to celebrate achievements openly, not to look in the mirror and appreciate, within earshot of others how absolutely fabulous the reflection appears. I recently ordered a red dress online and when it arrived I tried it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I was stunned at how great it fit, how incredible I looked in it and how the color was absolutely perfect. It hugged my curves like a Ferrari on a test track. Fact.
This is all part of the journey of learning and loving myself fully, appreciating every inch of myself from head to toe, celebrating and owning the way I look, behave, respond, and feel about myself in all situations. Letting myself be affected by the judgment of another is so old news. Is being self confident in my appearance only appropriate if I keep it to myself? I don't think so. I love to share my pride with my friends, just as I love to hear the pride they have in themselves. I think there is a mighty difference between pride and self confidence and vanity. The difference is in the attitude. Taking on the judgment by others is an old garment that doesn't fit me anymore. Even if it is done with a wink and a smile. A dig is a dig, regardless of how it is packaged. Today, I am gratefully reminded how easy it is to hand my power over to another and I am deliciously reminded that I love my body more than allowing others to label me...I'm going to go try on that dress again...
Have a fabulous, stunning day,


  1. Dear Goddess, you are brilliant, gorgeous, confident and sexy! Brag on girl! Yes to letting go of the "old stuff"! I'm right there with you!
    Can't wait to see you in that sexy dress!! xxoo L

  2. I agree. :) I think it's healthy to nurture oneself with positive comments. It's self-love.
