Saturday, March 19, 2011

A few words about microscopes....

Last night I met a couple of friends at a place where they teach you how to paint a picture with 25 of your new best friends that are also painting the same picture. I have to say, I have plenty of artistic talent, but painting a picture that I would hang on my wall was a little challenging. They serve wine, turn up the music, shout the directions and which brush to use, and in the end you are supposed to have painted a picture similar to the one they are teaching you to paint. Mine looked like total chaos, but after it dried and I stepped back a few feet and looked from a distance, I was surprised at the way it looked. It didn't look like any of the others and sort of resembled the painting we were being instructed to paint. But it looked okay. In fact, it looked good.

So, it got me to thinking about microscopes and the purpose they serve in the living of a life. Looking at things so closely doesn't allow you to look at the big picture. I have put my life under a microscope, found fault with things in the past that now I have put in a different and healthier space in my head. Is the microscope necessary for examining my life? Is it necessary to get an up close look at events that might not have turned out the way I expected? Probably not anymore. But it did allow me to move through that space of self criticism and self denigration for things that have happened along my path of life. And now that I am older and wiser I am able to objectively stand back and look at the life I have lived and the decisions I have made. I am in a place of peace and live my life relatively drama free. And that is good. Each experience, like each brush stroke, has lead me to the next, and at this point in my life, I am pleased with the canvas I have created. I no longer feel the need to put everything under a microscope and tease it all apart. I have more than a PhD in me. I have learned that the colors of my life make the portrait and that portrait is indeed wall worthy. In a golden frame. So the message for today is that I love my body more than the microscope that served a purpose for me. Instead I choose to stand back and lovingly look at the beauty of the creation that is my life.


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