Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Few Words About Resistance...

Wow, can I believe it has been nearly a year since my last post? No! Considering writing is such a cathartic experience for me and I admit I can tell a pretty good story, the page remains blank. While I maintain that I am low drama, my life has been a little more challenging over the last year with plenty to muse about in the wee hours of the morning, yet I resist. I sit at the keyboard, put threads of thoughts down to look at later but resist going back to weave them into a piece of writing worthy of posting on my blog...resisting something that gives me so much pleasure. Hmmm. Just what does Resistance look like? For me, sometimes she just shows up as a little niggling thought, or an action that I ordinarily consider self destructive. Things like procrastination, not exercising or eating things I know I shouldn't. I know, these are little things, but they pile up and I'm left feeling like someone (or something) has taken over my life. I know what it is, but even still I allow it to happen. It is that thing inside of me called Resistance that starts the ball of sabotage rolling and I begin denying myself things that I ordinarly enjoy. This little voice talks me into watching television instead of going for a walk, something I know I would find much more pleasurable, or talks me out of writing something that I know someone might find inspiring. So, how do I get out of this space? I meditate and call in my higher self, the one with all the answers and wisdom, the one that watches over me. I give a shape, color and name to my Resistance. I walk with her, and talk about all of the good and positive things in my life. I thank Resistance for showing up because she spurs me on to better things. I assure her she is indeed a valuable asset. I find as soon as I let go of the tug of war with my amazing Resistance, she moves away and creates space in my life for the miracles that seep like water into the cracks she leaves behind. When I stop, breathe, and go with the flow that is my life, I realize that each part of me is valuable and serves the greater purpose of moving me forward into the best me I can be. Resistance is indeed a worthy opponent, but she is only one of my parts that make up the total me. As soon as I acknowledge the brilliance of my Resistance, claim her and call her my own, life returns to being fabulous and fun. So, the message for today is I love my body more than Resistance. While her beauty is staggering, it is not as staggering as the beauty I create when she joins the rest of the party that is me. Have a beautiful irresistible day! XO, Karen

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